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Cause Good Initiative

Our Goal: To introduce sports, such as climbing, to underserved children across the United States by reducing the barrier to access.

What we do: We work with our gym partners to bring in children from local youth organizations and teach them the basics of the sport. We provide the tools and resources so they can return to the gym and develop their skills.
Want to get involved?
Boys & Girls Club Harlem + The Cliffs at Harlem
11 participants from the Boys and Girls Club of Harlem had a blast learning how to rock climb at The Cliffs at Harlem with plans to return in April.
"Thank you so much for giving the Boys and Girls Club the opportunity to take our teens indoor rock climbing. We all had FUN and we gave our teens something new to explore." - Nicholas Fogle, Teen Specialist at Boys and Girls Club of Harlem
Denver Children's Home + Movement RiNo
Friction Labs athletes Jon Cardwell and Andrea Szekely taught 8 kids from the Denver Children's Home to climb with Movement RiNo Staff
“Supporting the local community has always been of the utmost importance to us and to help provide kids in Denver with an introduction to climbing alongside Friction Labs is really a privilege." - Andrew Fraser, Managing Director of Movement RiNo
Denver's Boys & Girls Club + Denver Bouldering Club
29 kids from Denver’s Boys and Girls Club came to learn bouldering skills at Denver Bouldering Club
"We're stoked to be working with Friction Labs and having the opportunity to host one of their Cause Good events! As the climbing industry continues to grow, it's important for us to make efforts to make climbing more accessible for everyone. We hope these kids will be able to find the same joy in climbing that this sport has brought to many of us!" - Alan Bia, Central Gym Manager at Denver Bouldering Club
Big Brothers Big Sisters + Coral Cliffs
20 kids and 20 mentors from Big Brothers Big Sisters Fort Lauderdale came to learn how to climb at Coral Cliffs
"These exceptional young individuals constantly have words like underrepresented, and underprivileged used to describe them and their reality. Offering them safe and fun experiences that allow them to familiarize themselves with their innate ability to overcome is crucial and has been at the heart of how we operate at Coral Cliffs. We are grateful to be able to do this on a larger scale thanks to the ongoing support of partners like Friction Labs.” - Abby Dione, Owner of Coral Cliffs
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